Peter Flanagan, DVM


Dr. Flanagan decided to become a veterinarian when he worked as a hired hand on a dairy farm in Maine. After receiving his DVM from Tufts University, he has pursued his interest in herd health, infectious disease, and the interface between animals, people, and the environment. Along the way, he studied microbiology at the University of Maine and public health at the University of Massachusetts. These interests have opened doors to a variety of work situations throughout the world including field research, laboratory studies, and conventional veterinary practice.

As much as Peter likes to visit new places, he prefers to immerse himself in the cultures where he works. In addition to spending many years in the United States, he has lived and worked in extremely different settings ranging from the ultra-remote regions of South Sudan to rural Pakistan to hyper-urban Vietnam. Wherever he lives, learning the local language, eating the common food, and absorbing the surrounding culture as much as possible are prioritized for enriching his experience.

Although Peter has worked with a wide variety of animal species, he has a soft spot for golden retrievers and dairy goats. After spending too many summers swimming in the chilly ocean waters of Maine, Peter’s greatest pleasure is plunging into the warmth of tropical seas.